tirsdag 26. mai 2009

Dear first year students =)

When I’m writing this I have only a few weeks left here at Sandvika. Then I’m off to work in the Norwegian pavilion in Epcot in Disney World Florida for a year =)

I’m sure you will get three great years here at Sandvika, but there are a few things you should keep in mind when you go a school where you have so many possibilities. Because (to sound like all boring adults) with possibilities comes responsibility.

Here at Sandvika you are using your computer in every class, and most of the time Facebook and MSN will be available for the students to use. Most students here love this and spend a lot of their time during a school day on Facebook. I’m not saying that you should stay away from MSN and Facebook because I didn’t either, but you should try not to let all the interesting web pages steal too much of your attention. It’s not fun if you have to stay home and study like crazy before a test, if you could have learned the same stuff by just paying a little more attention in class. If you make sure to take some good notes during class, it will save you a lot of time when you are doing your homework or studying for a test.

When that is said, I’m sure you will manage to balance the temptations and the school work. What I have experienced during my three years at Sandvika is that most people here treat each other really nice and with respect even if they have different opinions. Please make an effort to keep it that way. =)